
[영어쓰기] Love Your Enemy: Drink Alcohol A Lot

IOAH 2020. 9. 12. 01:17

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Love Your Enemy: Drink Alcohol A Lot


             The term ‘Alcohol’ or ‘Drinking a lot’ is often used to describe drunkard and considered as something unfavorable.  However as Frank Sinatra said, “Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”  Alcohol is not that negative as you might think.  If we search the word alcohol in the dictionary it says that it is a clear liquid that has a strong smell, that is used in some medicines and other products, and that it is the main substance in liquors (such as beer, wine, or whiskey) that can make a person intoxicated.  What if you have a hard time and you want to overcome it, what would you do?  For Koreans, most of the people drink alcohol.  Alcohol gives us many benefits.  Here are three reasons why you should drink more: to make lots of friends, improve the efficiency of your body, and be more straightforward and honest.

             First, having a certain amount of alcohol in your body helps you to interact more with others.  In every society, alcohol is used as a powerful symbolic tool used for constructing and manipulating the social world.  As we live globally, it is necessary to make lots of social bonds.  For Koreans, people usually make social bonds by drinking alcoholic beverages together.  According to the study done on mice that was carried out by the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, alcohol improves your memory (Alcohol Improves Your Memory).   Drinking more means that you stay longer with your friends.  It refers that you have more chance to meet new friends and remember them.  In addition to this, alcohol helps you to speak up in a group conversation.  You feel more confident, and less nervous.  With alcohol, you can even dance in front of other people.  Thus with alcohol, constructing relationship become smoother.

             Second, surprisingly drinking is healthy in such a way that improves the efficiency of the body.  Many people claim that drinking alcohol gives negative effects in our body but actually it does not.  Drinking a lot at once is extremely critical to your body but drinking moderate amount frequently might be favorable.  The School of Public Health at Harvard University states that alcohol lowers the chance of getting a cardiovascular disease (7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Alcohol).  Moreover it helps to prevent against the common cold (7 Health Benefits Of Drinking Alcohol).  Therefore the more you drink, the healthier you are.  Alcohol may be your private doctor if you drink properly.

          Lastly, being a 'good' drinker may make you more straightforward and honest.  Alcohol allows people to express their feeling.  Kuntche et al stated that alcohol enhance positive mood and reduce negative emotions (How Alcohol Affects Mood).  I have a similar experience.  When I broke up with my girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend), it was too devastating for me to overcome alone.  A hurt she gave cuts my heart like a knife and I never thought that we would be apart and thus it came extremely emotional and painful at the same time.  I could not do anything but cry.  But I was too shy to tell my friends that I broke up.  Therefore I decided to overcome my hurt through drinking.  After I got drunk, I could tell everything and overcome the pain.If you have hard time, drinking a lot would help you become from being a shy boy to straightforward man.

          In conclusion, drinking a lot helps your healthy living in three ways: constructing relationships, raising the efficiency in your body, and overcoming hard situations by becoming more straightforward.  First, alcohol improves your memory so you can construct new relationships easily.  Second, alcohol makes you strong because alcohol lower the chance of getting ill.  Lastly, alcohol affects your mood so that you can do things that you could not do before.  Although most people consider alcohol as a notorious thing it is actually a good friend.  As I mentioned before the quote of Frank Sinatra on the introduction, “alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”  Could you love your enemy?